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Student Athletic Forms

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Monday   August 5th

6:00 to 7:00 PM     at the High School

Every athlete that participates in a Madill School-sponsored sport must have a physical and medical history on file before any participation is allowed.

Student-athletes are still required to complete a physical prior to their first practice per Oklahoma Secondary School activities Association rules. 

In order to make the process efficient, the Rank One on-line athletic forms will need to be completed before your child attends physical night on August 5th.

Rank One Instructions


OSSAA Physical History Form



Madill Schools has selected the Student Insurance Plan from K&K Insurance to make reliable coverage available to parents. If you don’t have other insurance, this plan may be a resource to consider. Additionally even if you have other coverage, this plan can help fill expensive “gaps” caused by deductable and co-pays. Coverage may be purchased at any time during the school year by visiting

For more information see below for available plans and options.